Poverty Is Not Caused by Poor Parents
Sean will you please ensure that you YouTube channel is synchronized to Odysee?
İf income variations are explained by genetics, Why income-IQ correlation is only 0,3?
You can get to around .36 if you're looking at lifetime as opposed to income at a point in time. (https://humanvarieties.org/2016/01/31/iq-and-permanent-income-sizing-up-the-iq-paradox/)
But more importantly, there is a lot more to genetics than simply IQ.
what about this paper?
The correlations are negligible and statistically insignificant when looking at adults (see https://www.nber.org/system/files/working_papers/w21409/w21409.pdf#page=54)
Sean will you please ensure that you YouTube channel is synchronized to Odysee?
İf income variations are explained by genetics, Why income-IQ correlation is only 0,3?
You can get to around .36 if you're looking at lifetime as opposed to income at a point in time. (https://humanvarieties.org/2016/01/31/iq-and-permanent-income-sizing-up-the-iq-paradox/)
But more importantly, there is a lot more to genetics than simply IQ.
what about this paper?
The correlations are negligible and statistically insignificant when looking at adults (see https://www.nber.org/system/files/working_papers/w21409/w21409.pdf#page=54)